Thursday, May 6, 2010


I think there is a conspiracy going on. I'm pretty sure some mob or government group - or whoever makes conspiracy theories - is trying to mess with my mind. Well, WATCH OUT mobsters / politicians / you -know- who- you -are!! The mama bear is coming out in me, and she's not pretty!

The last 4 days I've been dealing with our phone company. I know, sounds harmless, right? Well, they fix it. Then it goes out an hour later. They fix it. Out 1/2 hour later. They fix it. Out for the evening. They exchange equipment. It works for 2 hours, then out for 2. They fix it. Out for the evening. And on and on it goes. See what I mean; they're messing with my mind!

Then I get a phone call this morning from an anesthesiologist from Shriners. They want to move Alex's surgery to Thursday of next week. Are. you. kidding. me??? It's 3 days before the scheduled surgery, which took us almost 2 weeks to get this date anyway, and now you want to change it?? If they do the surgery on Monday his surgery will be last, which fasting all day for a diabetic is not a good thing, so let's change it to Thursday so he can be the first surgery that day.

Just so you know, I very politely told them, "We are showing up for surgery on Thursday whether you are ready or not And if you're not you will have a very angry mother on your hands!" Yeah. I told them! Who's messing with who now?

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