Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Oh, that child of mine!

Mike had some church meetings tonight and I had to go to work.  TJ was going to watch Alex but she got sick so I asked our neighbor to watch him. 

It was only an hour and a half!  What could go wrong, right?  Wrong!!

While going to the bathroom at their house, he found some matches (to light a candle).  Well, my pyro lit some and threw them in the garbage can.  They thought they smelled smoke;

 "Al are you ok in there?"


"Did you light matches?" 


"Is it still hot?"


Time to go into the bathroom and see what's up.  Good thing, too because the garbage can was up in flames and starting to melt.  Paul grabbed the can and ran it outside and hosed it down. 

"Paul.  One minute.  One minute.  I have a deal.... roast marshmallows?"

I don't think so buddy.  I don't think so.

1 comment:

Cali Hinckley said...

HAHAHAHA!!! I seriously just started laughing out loud. How hilarious. Ha, I can't stop smiling! Love Al.