Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wintry day!

We went from having no snow on the ground for a few weeks, to a bunch in one night. Which led to an eventful day!

Here are a couple of pictures of the kids watching the school bus outside...

...Notice Alex is one of the kids watching the bus, not on the bus! He had made the trek out into the snowy landscape to get on the bus, gotten all seat belted in and said his good-byes. As the bus tried to leave the back end fishtailed and hit our neighbor's brick mailbox causing it to rock back then into position again. It scratched up the bus pretty good, and banged up the actual mailbox, but it's not going anywhere!! Later this same day, the snowplow backed into my parent's mailbox, pushing it almost onto the sidewalk.
And this is Brendon slaving away while I'm indoors watching. Now before you call DCFS on me, you should know that he BEGS to go shovel the snow! He even will shovel the snow on the grass if I let him. Besides, he didn't stay out too long. Only lost 2 toes to frostbite. Kidding!!
But I do have a funny story to tell about Brendon. (Sorry Mike for embarrassing you!)
To start this story I have to let you in on some private information. One of the granddaughters has had constipation problems. Yup. I said it. Poor thing can't poop! So she has some medicine that is mixed in her morning drink and it helps things move more smoothly. Well, the other day she didn't want to drink it so I was doing everything I could to convince her otherwise. So here is the conversation around our breakfast table the other morning.
Me: "You have to drink this! It's your medicine!"
Mike: "Yeah. So you will poop with ease!"
Brendon: "WHAT did you say?!"
Mike: "Make it easy to poop. You know, poop with ease."
A few seconds hesitation, then with a look of disgust and arrogance, Brendon said, "Why doesn't she poop with O's?"
After laughing for 10 minutes, we decided it would be easier to poop with O's than with E's!! And Z's would be a killer!!!

1 comment:

Colin and Ranie said...

That is AWESOME! I am still laughing. Brendon is a cutie! Good luck with all the pooping O's.