Sunday, January 16, 2011

Al's new glasses

So neither of these pictures are very good, but I wanted to show you the difference in Alex's new glasses from his old ones.
This is a picture of a picture, that's why the funny glare. but notice how far down on his face his glasses sit. They're almost at the bottom of his nose! (Thank goodness for nostrils or they'd be all the way off his face.) If the camera angle had been more straight on, you would see he looks over the glasses more than through them. Still, a very handsome man, but....
...check these out! He's actually looking through the lens! They are sitting on the bridge of his nose!! It's quite the geeky smile, but the glasses look fantastic!! The differences? The ear pieces come off the lens near the middle / bottom instead of the top, and the nose piece is very wide. I'm sure there's other more technical things that are different, but all I know is Alex actually looks through his glasses not over them, and he wears them more often - probably because they actually do him some good! This is one of those "why didn't I think of that" things. I'm so glad someone thought of it!!

1 comment:

Colin and Ranie said...

That is one handsome boy! Way to go Al! Love you tons! Ha. Ha. He just makes you smile.