Monday, January 19, 2009

Coco -cited???

For those of you that have spent any time with Alex, you know he loves to tease. One of the things he has learned from his older brother and sisters (thanks, guys!) is to call each other names. We have thankfully re-directed that so now when he calls you names it's names like "Harry Potter", "Hermoine", "Hagrid's girlfriend". Sometimes it's names like, "french fry", "stinky feet", "hot dog". You never know what is going to come out of his mouth! Well, last night he started in on the name calling to Cali. "Coco - cited!" Unfortunately for Alex, the whole family was there and all of us were trying to figure out what the heck coco-cited was. We eventually got 'salad' out of 'cited' which was a bonus, but no one could figure out the coco. I even had him take me into the kitchen. He couldn't find what he was looking for. I asked him what it looked like; oval, and pointy. Crunchy and soft. Yellow. Sprinkles on it. He eats it at school and home. At this point we all figure he just made up a word, and the description of this non-existent item. He was very upset with us that we were too stupid to understand.

About 1/2 hour later, we're getting ready to leave grandma's and since Alex doesn't want to leave he calls me a name; "taco salad!" "Taco salad?! That's what you've been trying to say?" You would have thought we just hit the lottery!! Alex was soooo excited that I figured it out. I must say, I didn't figure it out. He just finally said it clearly. I think what happened is, in the midst of laughter and making fun of his sister, he said the words unclearly, and when Cali repeated what she heard, that was all his brain could remember, and 'taco' was totally lost from his vocabulary. That is until later when 'coco' had not been repeated over and over for a while.

Well, this mystery has been solved. And it's a good thing, because I'd hate to be called 'coco-cited' ever again!!


bryce and kianna said...

That is too funny! I think his names are so hilarious, Taco Salad!!! I love it, he's very creative!

Colin and Ranie said...

That is too funny! Ha. Ha. I love the new names he is calling everyone. Hagrids girlfriend...sweet! Al is always up for a good laugh.

Colin and Ranie said...

Okay, so I just noticed I basically said the same thing Bryce & Kianna did. What a dork! I mean, taco salad. Ha. Ha. We must spend a lot of time with them. I better start reading comments before I say anything. Love ya!