Sunday, January 4, 2009


Today in Sacrament Meeting, Alex was presented before the ward to be graduated from primary, and to be ordained a deacon in the Aaronic Priesthood. I was so proud! He dressed today in a new suit (that had to be hemmed 4 inches), new shoes and even a new tie. He looked so handsome! He went to the deacon quorum with dad, then went to the 12-13 year old Sunday School class. Oh - my - gosh!! I even had to write 'young men's' on our weekly calendar this week, so I won't forget to get him there. He's 12! And we are very proud of him!!!


Diana & CJ said...

Alex did such a good job! Plus, he was looking very, very handsome in his new suite. Byt the way this is Dee Mansfield (you know I have the screaming baby girl in the ward). I came upon your blog today while I was searching for a long lost friend with the same last name. Hope you don't care. My email is I have our blog set to private in case weirdos try to contact us. Drop us a line sometime & I'll will gladly give you guys access to our blog too.

Colin and Ranie said...

Congratulations AL! Love ya.

Cali Hinckley said...

Alex!!!! I'm so proud of you! Man I wish I could have seen you in your new suit. Bet it looks good on ya- you're a stud. :) Have fun at Young Mens and BE GOOD!

Beard Family said...

Wow! Alex was only six when I met him. Time goes fast. I miss him! Hopefully I'll be subbing in his class soon.

Diana & CJ said...

OKay so today went AWESOME!! Alex totally looked like he knew what he was doing in sacrament. Props to him. Okay, I must of some how deleted your email, do you think you could write me again?