Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's been a while....

No reason. Just not much to say. But then again, there's a lot to say.

We have all recovered from the death of Angel. We won't forget her, but at least we aren't looking for her as we open the door expecting her to run out and bark at nothing, or throw leftover food into her bowl - which is no longer there so it just splats on the floor. The babies even took a while to stop looking for her to throw food down to from their high chairs. The tears are dried up and life goes on.

Not long after Angel died, one of my best friend's grandpas died, and I realized how fragile life is. And what a miracle it is. Another one of my friend's dad died last night. He had been very sick for a long time, which with our knowledge it makes it easier knowing he is in a much better place, with people that love him and that he loves, and he's no longer in pain. But that doesn't take the hole out of our hearts as we miss them.

So whether it be a pet, a baby, a friend or an aged family member it hurts. And I don't think the hurt ever goes away. I know every time I hear of a death, or a birth, I think of Mac. I don't cry as easily, but that ache deep inside twinges. It almost feels like something is missing. Which I guess it actually is.

Then I'll notice I have a little grin on my face. Odd. But the memories are still there. Will always be there. Some of those memories are more like nightmares than dreams, but I will always remember these sweet people and pets. Always love them. And I can't wait till I get the chance to see them and be with them again. And I know I will have that chance if I live my life the way I should. That sure is good motivation! Mmmmm. Should I lie or do I want to be with my grandson in the hereafter? Makes the choice seem a little easier, doesn't it.

1 comment:

Cali Hinckley said...

Ok so I haven't been on your blog in a really long time because... well I just don't have time. However, here I am reading your post at work and bawling my little eyes out! I love you Mom. Thanks for always thinking about Mac and not being afraid to say it. We have a lot of the same feelings and I really like it when you say them so I don't feel like I'm so alone in my still grieving process. So, thank you...