Monday, December 8, 2008

Alex has had it rough lately!

We put Alex on some different anti-anxiety meds because he was dreading school so much he would worry as soon as he got off the bus about the next day at school, but it has done the opposite. It's made him very aggitated, even aggressive. That's not my boy! He was only on it for 2 weeks, but the pharmicist said it may take 2 weeks to get out of his system. I've kept him home from school today, and probably tomorrow, just to let him relax, but keep him in your prayers. The poor kid has enough to go through without having to be frustrated all the time!!


Mommason Hillary said...

Alex is my favorite person to pray for!

Beard Family said...

Alex is such a sweetheart! We'll keep him in our prayers.


Peyton and Jayce said...

Natalie- I am a blog stocker! I hope you dont mind me finding your family throught the Emily who is a friend of my sister! I have always-ALWAYS- been amazed by you and that continues to this day! You have a beautiful family!
Shelli Christensen Fowlks