Monday, September 15, 2008

Finally.... autopsy results!

I hope Josh and Cali don't mind that I write about this on my blog; I've mentioned before how this blog is becoming like a journal to me, and this is something I want to remember! Sorry kids if I'm overstepping my bounds! It's not the first time, and probably won't be the last!

Cali and Josh received a copy of the autopsy results in the mail the other day, and we had the chance to sit down as a family and have it explained to us by my brother Shaun. (He's an Occupational Therapist, so he understands the terminology better than we do.) The cause of Mac's death was a cord accident, which is what we all thought, and I think secretly hoped for, since this whole event happened. Cali and Josh seemed to receive this with such calmness and strength - but that shouldn't surprise us. They've been strong this whole time. There are a few questions that they will have the chance to ask a specialist on the 23rd, and then the gentleman that performed the autopsy happens to be related to a relative, and has offered to sit down with them and explain anything and everything if they would like him to.

All I can say is I'm glad to have the results and that the Lord has his hand in all things!!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I had too many typos in my other comment, but I just wanted to tell you I love you guys! My heart has been with you these last couple months! You are such a great example to everyone around you and I miss being around you!