Friday, April 3, 2009

Our new grandbaby is a .....

No, the following picture isn't 'proof', even though I have seen the 'proof' with my very own eyes. The picture below is of her face - such as it is at 17 weeks gestation. Yes, she does look a little like ET, but so did you and everyone else at that age, just not as adorable as my granddaughter!! I decided to give her a little privacy and not flaunt the 'girl picture' since she was a little shy about showing us during the ultrasound. But she did have the hiccups, opened and closed her mouth, and moved her fingers around! She's a mover and a shaker so Kierra will lose some sleep once she gets bigger!! (It's all worth it, Kierra!)

According to all the measurements Little Girl Maughan is due 9/9/09. How cool would that be?

(A special THANK YOU to my friend Tiffany who did both of my grandchildren's ultrasounds - allowing anyone the parents wanted to invite to be a part of the unveiling. What an amazing way to feel a part of your grandchild's life. She's given me a gift more precious than I could ever express - a few minutes in the 'lives' of these 2 sweet grand babies!! Thank you Tiffany!)

1 comment:

bryce and kianna said...

You were right!! I thought that they would have a girl too! Keep us updated.