...too long, actually.
Since Mike got laid off he spends a lot of time on the computer. When he's not looking for a job, he's either figuring out finances or doing bishop stuff. Makes him a busy guy! No job, yet, but I still feel comfortable about things. I'm sure something - in fact, I'm sure the perfect thing will come soon. But since he's on the computer I haven't been able to take a few minutes here and there when babies are sleeping to write down some notes, so I thought I would while he's stuck at church.
First off, can I just say how much I love my husband? I LOVE having him home! I adore being with him, talking to him while eating lunch, or just knowing he's in the next room if I want to steal a hug or kiss. I'm very blessed to be married to a man I love and like. And even though he can't stand it if I have to let a granddaughter cry while I'm feeding or changing the other granddaughter, he's learning they will live and don't need to be held 24/7. Yes, he's a sucker for those two girls! When he does get a job they won't know what to do! I have to lock him in the office so they don't know he's home or else they are wanting his undivided attention. They eat his food, they want him to read them books, and they just want to be with him. Oh, wait. That sounds like me! ;-)
Taylor's wedding is right around the corner and things are coming along nicely. I will admit, I don't have the vision that she does, but she's being patient with me and I'm just doing what I'm told. She is such an artist that details I don't even think of are a top priority to her. We talked this morning, though and she's to the point now that she realizes the sealing part of the day is the most important part and no matter how specific you are with colors, details, food and clothes what matters most is who you are spending eternity with.
I guess I have weddings on my mind because I thought of a funny story about Alex that I thought I should put down for Daddy Ernie and family to read. When my brother-in-law was getting married he asked Alex to be the ring bearer, a great honor, right? Luckily, a neighbor girl was getting married a few weeks before him and we were invited so I took Alex and talked to him all the way there and before the ceremony started about his "job" and how we would watch Amanda's ring bearer and see what he did.
The music starts and down the stairs comes the flower girl; "See how she's being quiet. She's doing her job good! Oops! She shouldn't stick her tongue out to that kid, huh?" Then comes the ring bearer; "See how he's all dressed up? You'll get a tux, too. He's being very mature and quiet." Alex is craning and stretching every which way to watch this ring bearer, so he knows what he's supposed to do at his uncle's wedding. He starts to climb up on the chair to get a better look. When I get him down, he's truly perplexed when he asks me, "I don't see bear! Where's bear? He eat me?" He had thought all this time that he would have to be a BEAR at Bryce's wedding, and he just didn't get it. After that, his job assignment changed because he didn't want to be the ring bear. He became the ring keeper and giver instead.
So Christmas is done and put away. We rang in the new year by going to bed before midnight. We've been passing around the stomach flu and colds left and right. I started babysitting a neighbor boy 3 days a week. And Mike is still on the prowl for a job. Life is good! I wouldn't have it any other way, because I get to spend my life with my best friends!!